We have 10 spaces on a pilot programme we’re offering at a significant discount.
We will work together over 12 weeks from October 2018 to January 2019 (allowing for Christmas break) with a group coaching online call every two weeks.
What you will get:
- Coaching and support in a friendly group setting over Zoom. We limit the group to 10 to allows us to get to know and support one another
- Checklists, Cheat Sheets and guidance across all aspects of the move - financial, mental, logistics like mortgages and insurance, planning etc. Other topics may will be influenced by the group needs
- Access to videos created to answer each participant's questions
- Private Group Membership (Facebook)
- Ability to contact me anytime with any questions that can be addressed in a group setting
The price is EUR 89/month or EUR 239 up-front. Sign up here with your name, email and country you’re coming from.
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