A New Dawn in Ireland ADAPTORS Method

Get the Accelerator Pack and Boost Your Confidence and Momentum!


Digital Copy of the book A New Dawn in Ireland Where You Will Learn:

How to Make a Decision you won't regret
How to Plan an easy and successful move
What determines your long-term happiness
How to make the move without stress and wasting time
What to do to avoid paying more than you have to
Tips and techniques to reintegrate when you get there

Buy today and you’ll also receive:


Get these 2 hours of training to explain how to overcome some of the Top Challenges experienced by fellow returning expats. We answer the questions previous programme participants have asked.

The Life Canvas for Clarity to make an Aligned Decision you will not regret
Preparing for the Journey Ahead through the 8 Stages of the ADAPTORS method.
Advice for Parents Moving with Children
Meet the Expert on Mortgages
A Guide to Reintegration

All this for just one payment of EUR 4.99

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A New Dawn Accelerator Pack



Here's the unfortunate reality:
Moving will involve a lot of planning and paperwork. But you DON'T HAVE TO SPEND WEEKS trying to fumble your way through it to know what to do!

Just use this template pack to HAVE THE SOLID PLAN you'll need in just ONE AFTERNOON.

You could spend hours of your own time and €1,000s with a relocation expert doing this and still not be sure that you have everything covered. I'd like to help you do it for just €37. This is a one-time offer available ONLY on this page."

The pack includes:
- The Life Vision Template to clarify the life you desire
- 12 Questions to the Right Decision
- Your Net financial Worth Calculator
- How to Budget Your move
- The Master Plan Checklist

Highly recommended for the Motivated Mover.

Just €37, this page only.

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Email: hello@TheWellbeingGym.com

1-YEAR Money Back Guarantee

If you’re unsatisfied for any reason, please email us to receive a prompt and courteous refund.

Reduced Risk

We are on the way! I got that job and we are absolutely delighted! I wanted to thank you for your suggestion on our coaching call to consider an earlier move given the jobs market and reducing the big risks with timing. That's what inspired me to action and we’re now thrilled to be going home with no pressure on us.


1-1 Coaching Client

Less Stress

Working full time while moving a family of 5 is no joke. Minimalism here I come - the ‘stuff’ overwhelm is a bit confronting - so very glad I read your recommendation and did a lot of culling when I wasn’t under pressure - the last run this week had us chucking stuff in from total exhaustion and decision overwhelm! See you on the other side.

Richie M.

1-1 Coaching Client

Improved Wellbeing

I think I may need to hire a full time assistant with this move! Between this current job ...the new job…and "packing up" - I was feeling very overwhelmed! I have the checklist and am working through it - it's been a blessing! … Guess I need to get better at asking for help! Please add me to the mindfulness module, it can only benefit me!

Olivia M.

A New Dawn Programme Member

DISCLAIMER: None of the above happens without the right heart decision, a growth mindset and sticking with it through tough times. If you are not ready for that, the result won’t match up.

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For support please email support@ANewDawninIreland.com